70 research outputs found

    The Pacifican April 11, 2013

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    The Pacifican September 5, 2013

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    The Johnsonian September 27, 1935

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    The Johnsonian is the weekly student newspaper of Winthrop University. It is published during fall and spring semesters with the exception of university holidays and exam periods. We have proudly served the Winthrop and Rock Hill community since 1923.https://digitalcommons.winthrop.edu/thejohnsonian1930s/1115/thumbnail.jp

    The use of two- and three-layer granular filters in the treatment of stored water

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    Imperial Users onl

    Islet antigen-specific T cells and regulatory T cells in type 1 diabetes

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    T cells are the key players in the development of type 1 diabetes (T1D), mediating autoimmune reactions leading to the destruction of insulin producing beta cells in the islets. We aimed to analyze the role of different T-cell subtypes in the autoimmunity and pathogenesis of T1D. The frequency of islet antigen-specific (GAD65-, proinsulin-, and insulin-specific) CD4+ T cells was investigated in vitro in T1D patients, at-risk individuals (diabetes-associated autoantibody positive), and in controls, using MHC class II tetramers. An overall higher frequency of CD4+ T-cells recognizing the GAD65 555−567 peptide was detected in at-risk individuals. In addition, increased CD4+ T-cell responses to the same GAD65 epitope displaying a memory phenotype were observed in at-risk and diabetic children, which demonstrate a previous encounter with the antigen in vivo. Avidity and phenotypic differences were also observed among CD4+ T-cell clones induced by distinct doses of GAD65 autoantigen. T-cell clones generated at the lowest peptide dose displayed the highest avidity and expressed more frequently the TCR Vβ5.1 chain than low-avidity T cells. These findings raise attention to the antigen dose when investigating the diversity of antigen-specific T cells. Furthermore, an increased regulatory response during the preclinical phase of T1D was also found in genetically at-risk children. Higher frequencies of regulatory T (Treg) cells (CD4+CD25high HLA-DR-/CD69-) and natural killer T (NKT) cells (CD161+Vbeta11+) were observed in children with multiple autoantibodies compared to autoantibody-negative controls. Taken together, these data showed increased frequency of islet-specific CD4+ T-cells, especially to the GAD65 555-567 epitope, and Treg and NKT cell upregulation in children at-risk for T1D, suggesting their importance in T1D pathogenesisSiirretty Doriast

    Keele asend eesti palatalisatsioonis

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    Artiklis uuritakse palatalisatsiooni mõju konsonandi ja talle eelneva vokaali häälduskohale ja kestusele. Katse viidi läbi elektromagnetartikulograafi abil, mis mõõdab katseisiku artikulaatoritele liimitud sensorite liikumist kolmemõõtmelises ruumis. Tulemused näitasid, et palataliseerimisega kaasnes konsonandi ja talle eelneva vokaali hääldamisel keele kõrgem ja eespoolsem asend. Keele eesosa kõrgus oli vähesel määral palatalisatsioonist mõjutatud, kuid kõrguse muutumine ei olnud süsteemne. Tulemused ei näidanud palatalisatsiooni süstemaatilist efekti ka konsonandi ja talle eelneva vokaali kestusele. Ainult üksikutel juhtudel pikenes hääliku kestus palataliseeritud kontekstis olulisel määral. Abstract. Anton Malmi and Pärtel Lippus: The position of the tongue in Estonian palatalization. This article analyses the effect of secondary palatalization of alveolar consonants on the place of articulation and the segmental duration in Estonian CVC words. The study was carried out with 21 test subjects using a Carstens AG501 electromagnetic articulograph. The results show that the place of articulation of palatalized consonants was always higher and more anterior than that of non-palatalized consonants. The back of the tongue was raised towards the hard palate, but the height of the apical part of the tongue was not systematically affected by palatalization. With few exceptions, the duration of the vowels and consonants were not affected by palatalization. Keywords: articulatory phonetics, experimental phonetics, articulation, palatalization, Estonian, duration, Carstens AG50

    Marshall News Releases: June, July, August, 1957

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    These news releases were written by and distributed by Marshall during the period indicated in the title.https://mds.marshall.edu/marshall_news_releases_archives/1063/thumbnail.jp

    E. coli immunosensori arendus ja rakendamine

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneIga aastaga muutuvad keskkonna kvaliteet ja puhtus maailmas aina olulisemaks. Üks tähtsamaid küsimusi on inimeste ligipääs puhtale veele. Kui tavaliselt mõeldakse selle all eelkõige joogivett, siis sama oluline on ka suplusvee puhtus ja ohutus. Üheks vee kvaliteedi parameetriks on tema mikrobioloogiline ohutus, mille hindamiseks kasutatakse teatud bakteriliike, ehk indikaatorliike, mille olemasolu ja arvukuse järgi hinnatakse vee kvaliteeti. Üheks levinumaks indikaatorliigiks vees on Escherichia coli ehk soolekepike. Mõned E. coli tüved võivad olla ka patogeensed. Tavaliselt hinnatakse E. coli arvukust mikrobioloogilistel meetoditel, kultiveerides proove spetsiaalsetel söötmetel, kuid see on aeganõudev. Molekulaarsed meetodid (PCR) on küll kiiremad, kuid nõuavad keeruka aparatuuri kasutamist ning on tundlikud võimaliku saastuse ja proovide maatriksist tuleneva inhibitsiooni suhtes. Doktoritöö eesmärgiks oli välja töötada immunobiosensorsüsteem E. coli tuvastamiseks ning testida selle biosensori rakendamise võimalusi looduslike veeproovide ja kliiniliste uriiniproovide analüüsil. Kasutatud biosensori bioloogiline äratundmiskomponendina kasutati fluorestsentsmärgisega konjugeeritud anti - E. coli ankeha. Analüüsi kõrge tundlikkus saavutati tänu proovis leiduva E. coli sidumisele ühekordse kasutusega mikrokolonnile ning seondunud bakterite spetsiifilisele detekteerimisele. Erinevatest allikatest pärinevates proovides saadud analüüsitulemusi võrreldi alternatiivsete E. coli määramismeetodite, mikrobioloogilise külvi ja kvantitatiivse PCR abil saadud tulemustega. Nimetatud metoodikad võimaldavad küll kõik hinnata E. coli arvukust, kuid mõõdavad erinevaid rakku iseloomustavaid suurusi. Mikrobioloogiliste külvide meetod võtab arvesse elusaid kultiveeritavid rakke; kvantitatiivne PCR hindab E. coli genoomse DNA kogust (elusad + mitte-kultiveeritavad ja surnud rakud), ning biosensor mõõdab E. coli mebraanivalkude kontsentratsiooni proovis. Mõõtes näiteks ühte ja sama veeproovi kirjeldatud meetoditega selgus, et oodatult kõige madalama tulemuse andis mikrobioloogiline meetod (40 korda madalam, kui biosensor), ning ka qPCR meetod andis keskmiselt 4 korda madalama tulemuse kui biosensor. Töö selgitati välja põhjused, mis selliseid erinevusi põhjustasid. Esiteks, biosensoris põhjustasid mõõdetava signaali ka rakkude mehhaanilisel ja keemilisel töötlemisel saadud rakumembraanide fragmendid. Teise olulise tulemusena selgus, et biosensoris kasutatava antikeha äratundmisreaktsioon oli komplekses mikrobioloogilises keskkonnas eeldatust vähem selektiivne. Lisaks E. coli´le on looduslikes keskkondades palju sarnaseid bakteriliike (kolivormseid), millest mõnedel on potentsiaalselt afiinsus immunosensoris kasutatud E. coli antikeha suhtes. Kuna selliste bakterite üldhulk looduslikes vetes võib olla kõrge, siis tuleb biosensori mõõtetulemuste interpreteerimisel arvestada ka nende poolt genereeritava signaaliga. Arvestades erinevate rakufragmentide ning kolivormsete rakkude poolt põhjustatud signaali osakaalu, siis elusate kultiveeritavate E. coli rakkude poolt tingitud signaali osakaal on immunosensori kogusignaalist 10%. E. coli immunosensorit kasutati ka uropatogeense E. coli tuvastamiseks ja kvantiteerimiseks kliinilistes uriiniproovides, kus biosensoriga saadud analüüsitulemused langesid kokku mikrobioloogiliste ja molekulaarsete (qPCR) meetoditega saadud tulemustega. Väljatöötatud biosensorsüsteem võimaldas määrata E. coli sisalduse vee- või uriiniproovides vahemikus 7-107 rakku milliliitris 20 minuti jooksul, mis loob eelduse E. coli automaatseks kohapealseks määramiseks, vältides vajadust proovide transpordiks laborisse ning analüüsile eelnevaks töötluseks.The quality of water is among the major global problems usually associated with drinking water. However, problems with the physical, chemical, and biological pollution of bathing water are increasing. The biological pollution is commonly assessed using microbiology methods by identifying and quantifying microbial indicator organisms. The most common indicator species for water analysis is Escherichia coli – gram-negative, rod-shaped bacteria generally found in the guts of warm-blooded animals. Most E. coli strains are harmless, but there is also a group of E. coli strains, which are human pathogens Uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) is the main human urinary tract pathogen. The most common method for E. coli enumeration is still microbiological cultivation. This method is reliable and simple, but the analysis time is long, the sensitivity is quite poor and the cultivation requires special lab conditions. In addition, E. coli can be detected with qPCR. A good alternative for E. coli indication and enumeration are biosensor-based systems, which can provide short analysis time, high specificity, and sensitivity. Biosensors also offer options for automation and on-site analysis required to meet modern requirements for data collection. The objective of this thesis was the design and production of an E. coli-specific immunosensor, its testing for potential applications in environmental monitoring and clinical laboratory analysis, and validation of the biosensor results. The proposed E. coli immunosensor integrates the use of polyclonal E. coli antibodies for bio-recognition and single-use microcolumn analysis system for the rapid detection of E. coli from bathing water and urine samples. The immunosensor the detection limit was below 10 cells/ml, and the working range was between 10…108 cells/ml. In urine, there was no inference other bacterial species present in urine to the biosensor signal, as there is a small probability of the presence of dead and/or fragmented E. coli cells in urine. The E. coli biosensor results were in the same range as those obtained with qPCR and cultivation methods. The analysis of the biosensor signal in bathing water samples revealed that the signal was strongly affected by dead cells, cell fragments, and different coliforms, which are abundant in natural waters. The proportion of cultivable E. coli cells in the immunosensor entire signal was only about 10%. The signal of non-cultivable E. coli cells (measured by qPCR) formed 30% of the immunosensor signal and the majority of the measured signal, 60%, was most likely generated by different forms of coliform bacteria and E. coli cell fragments. Using renewable, single-use E. coli immunosensor is an excellent alternative to time-consuming microbiological and molecular methods for analyzing complex natural samples. These immunosensors can significantly shorten the time required to determine and quantify E. coli. It could be used for automated analyses, as quick identification of E. coli allows to take timely measures to minimize potential health risks.https://www.ester.ee/record=b550784